BUDWEISER runs Halloween ads featuring costumed DUI mugshots

Halloween typically means trick-or-treating for kids and partying in costume for the grown-ups. Accordingly, Budweiser—being a brand aimed at that latter demographic—has been running an ad campaign this season to caution adult revelers about the consequences of imbibing too much alcohol on a night known for heavy drinking. Specifically, the brand obtained police mugshots of Halloween-costumed people who were busted for public intoxication or drunk driving. To those images Budweiser added the tagline “Don’t Let Halloween Haunt You Forever.”

The ads have been appearing on social platforms and outdoor billboards. As well, Budweiser has been inviting its Twitter followers to request real-time “Drink Wiser” notifications (for example, a message advising having a glass of water between rounds). On top of that, beer drinkers in select cities who buy Budweiser products via Drizly between Oct. 21 and Nov. 1 receive a $5 Lyft gift card to help pay for a ride home from the party.

Jared Gibbons

I design and develop Squarespace websites.

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