NYC PRIDE faxed 600k pages of queer literature to 50 legislative foes

A campaign called “#BurytheBills” kicked off on June 26 to persuade lawmakers around the country to abandon legislation perceived as hostile to the interests of the LGBTQIA+ community. The campaign was led by NYC PRIDE. The idea was to reach out to 50 state-level lawmakers identified as leading proponents of pending measures that, if enacted, could restrict LGBTQIA+ freedoms. But the twist was in the manner by which the legislators were contacted. 

What NYC Pride did was inundate the targeted lawmakers with faxes—more than a half-million pages total—of queer literature courtesy Penguin Random House (the organizers opted to send faxes as opposed to emails because faxes cannot be ignored the way emails can). 

The faxed content was drawn from six books: "Rainbow Milk" by Paul Mendez; "I Know You Know Who I Am" by Peter Kispert, "When Katie Met Cassidy: by Camille Perri; "Boy Meets Boy" by David Levithan, "Ten Steps to Nanette" by Hannah Gadsby; and "All the Flowers Kneeling" by Paul Tran. Additionally, Penguin Random House donated 400 copies of the books for distribution to the targeted lawmakers and select news outlets.

Jared Gibbons

I design and develop Squarespace websites.

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