PRINGLES' synth hamster promotes healthier chips

Move over Beyoncé, there's a new star in town and his name is Synth Hamster! Yes, you heard that right! Pringles is using a musical rodent to promote their healthier Multigrain variant in the UK. The ad shows three friends munching on the new chips and raving about how "wonderfully different" they are, just like the hamster who pops up in his cage playing a synth like a pro.

With his squeaky voice and impressive keyboard skills, Synth Hamster is stealing hearts and convincing even the toughest snack critics to give Pringles Multigrain a try.

To take things up a notch, Pringles has even plastered "hamster-sized" gig posters of Synth Hamster all over London. It's the perfect way to make healthy snacks more fun and quirky, and honestly, who wouldn't want a musical hamster in their lives?


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