Snoop Dogg chills with NFT-inspired ice cream now at Walmart

Hey, foodies and hip-hop fans, drop it like it's hot (or cold)! The Doggfather himself, Snoop Dogg, is venturing deeper into your freezers. If you're picturing the legendary rapper churning milk and sugar in his kitchen, you're not that far off.

Snoop Dogg's latest culinary masterpiece is the Dr. Bombay Ice Cream. No, it's not named after a 60's sitcom character, but after his pricey Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT. Yep, Snoop is such a proud NFT parent that he's making it the face of his new ice cream brand! Digital assets melting in your mouth – what a time to be alive.

Snoop Dogg NFT Inspired Brand

Under the banner of Bosslady Foods, this dessert treat is a joint venture between Snoop and the creators of those Happi Foodi frozen meals. With seven tasty flavors to choose from, such as "Rollin’ in the Dough" and "S’more Vibes", you'll be spoiled for choice. Side note: We're absolutely here for all the puns.

But hold on, it gets cooler. This isn't the rapper's first rodeo in the food arena. Remember his Broadus Foods collab with Master P? The Momma Snoop line? Oh, and let's not forget about those cereals. Fruity Hoopz? Cinnamon Toasteez? If you missed these, scoot over to Walmart where they're now available.

Varieties of Dr Bombay Ice Cream Flavors

Back to the ice cream: Planning to grab a pint? Find Dr. Bombay in 3,500 Walmart stores, with more retailers jumping on the wagon soon. Each pint will set you back about $4.98, give or take a few cents.

Wondering about that Bored Ape NFT? Though the NFT buzz has cooled down, with the Bored Ape's value slipping faster than an ice cream cone on a summer day, Snoop's $366,000 investment is still turning heads, and now, tastebuds.

To wrap it up, as Snoop once said, "It ain't no fun if the homies can't have none." So, gather your crew, throw on some old-school beats, and enjoy a taste of Snoop's icy empire. Cheers!


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