CHIPOTLE brings Halloween to the Roblox universe

For the uninitiated, Roblox is an immersive 3D online world where anyone who wants to create and share a game can do so, in a similar vein as Fortnite and Minecraft. Chipotle scared up an appetite for its 21st annual ‘Boorito’ event by partnering with Roblox to create a digital storefront that beckons the hungry into a Halloween-themed corn maze where gamers can acquire special powers required to defeat monsters and collect exclusive Chipotle-inspired Roblox items. The meatiest part of the event is a daily giveaway that offers the first 30,000 players a coupon for a free burrito—Chipotle expects to distribute $1 million worth of burritos this season. This video lays it all out.

Jared Gibbons

I design and develop Squarespace websites.

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