LUNCHABLES constructed a series of craft kits that fed kids’ craving to build cool stuff

Kraft Heinz brand Lunchables trotted out 25 sets of specially designed building blocks that allow children to explore their creativity while at the same time giving them a chance to win a cash prize. The kits are called “Lunchabuilds” and they consist of colorful plastic parts made to look like food items found in Lunchables packages—crackers, cookies, cheese chunks, pretzel sticks, and bologna slices. Assembled, the parts form cool miniatures of everything from bulldozers to baseball caps, from helicopters to sports stadiums, from cats and teddy bears to boats and spaceships. What’s more, the parts from one kit are interchangeable with those of all the others, so youngsters are able to let their imaginations run free and construct whatever objects or creatures their minds can conceive. To spur interest in the kits, Lunchables invited parents to upload images of their kids’ innovations to social media—doing so automatically entered the builders into a sweepstakes that will eventually see 25 of them win $2,000 each.

Jared Gibbons

I design and develop Squarespace websites.

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