TIDE offers free laundry service to those without homes

Tide’s ongoing 'Loads of Hope' program started in 2005 when Tide sent mobile laundry facilities to help out New Orleans residents in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina - this time, the L.A. Loads of Hope laundry is different because it’s permanent. Tide set up the free laundry service at the Midnight Mission—a soup kitchen and shelter for those without homes, that’s been in operation since 1914.

To raise the profile of the new laundry service, Tide has released a “docufiction” series titled 'The Tent Mender,' a fictional tale of a Skid Row citizen who rises from life’s ashes by helping other people without homes. The series is now streaming on IMDb.

Tide has been helping build an audience for “Mender” with a collaboration with Amazon that allows users to donate items for the homeless via Amazon Charity lists (the donated items are sent directly to the needy in care of the Midnight Mission).

Jared Gibbons

I design and develop Squarespace websites.

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