HEINZ embraces ketchup’s gory likeness

Vampires this Halloween have a delicious alternative to human hemoglobin (or is that “hemogoblin?”) now that Heinz has changed the name of its ketchup to "Tomato Blood." Mortals as well are pleased: Tomato Blood is the perfect ingredient for a minimal-effort Halloween getup (you just uncap a bottle, pour the contents all over yourself and—presto—you look like one of Count Dracula’s victims or possibly an extra from Night of the Living Dead). Those wishing to put a bit more stylish bite into their costumes can go online to purchase a Heinz-branded kit that contains vampire teeth, fright-inducing fake tattoos, and a makeup palette-and-brush set. Included too is a bottle of the red-hued condiment, which you can also find on grocery shelves nationwide and at the Halloween pop-up store Heinz opened in Santa Monica, California.

Jared Gibbons

I design and develop Squarespace websites.

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